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Aochia requires the court

Aochia requires the court


Blue Cave New Consumer Report, January 6th, according to Reuters, Jum Labs Inc's largest shareholder ALTRIA Group Inc has asked the Federal Federal Judge to order the electronic cigarette company 10,000 plaintiffs seek to investigate their responsibility for the popularity of young smokers.

The company headquartered in Virginia made a motion on Wednesday in the San Francisco Federal Court, saying that the settlement agreement is still confidential, and even the other parties in the lawsuit cannot know. According to the Wall Street Journal, the settlement agreement is worth $ 1.7 billion.

Altria, a Montblanc to cigarette manufacturer, held 35%of Juul's shares in 2018, but the company did not participate in the reconciliation. It is still the merger of American local judge William Orrick. The defendant of large -scale infringement lawsuits. The plaintiff, including individual and local government entities, accused the company's strategic formulation of JUul's sales of electronic cigarettes to minors.

Altria said it needs to understand the details of reconciliation and reach negotiations before the reconciliation to evaluate its own potential remaining debt and explore potential claims for third parties.

The company said that although there may be reason to exclude the settlement plan from the public vision, Jum refused to share the reconciliation plan with Altria far exceeding the scope of protection required to solve these concerns, lack any legal basis, and seriously damage Altria.

JUUL and the plaintiff's lawyer did not immediately respond to the comment request.

In another motion on Wednesday, Altria also demanded that Orrick put a collective lawsuit on behalf of all JUUL buyers across the country, and Altria appealed to the judge's ruling. Collective lawsuit is part of Olique's larger collective infringement before.

The company said that if it continues to discover the content related to the course, it will bear a heavy burden, which may include millions of people. The company said that the Ninth Court of Appeals in the United States agreed to hear the level certification appeal before the final judgment of the case. This fact shows that Opi Asia has a substantial case and has the right to suspend the trial.

In addition to large -scale infringement and reconciliation, Juul also agreed to pay $ 439 million in September to resolve claims on its marketing behavior in 34 states and regions in the United States. The company did not admit that there was an improper behavior as a part of the reconciliation, and said that it had taken measures to prevent it from being sold to underage buyers.

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