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Studies have found that pumping electronic cigarettes may increase the risk of tooth decay

Studies have found that pumping electronic cigarettes may increase the risk of tooth decay


New studies have found that patients using electronic cigarette equipment are more likely to have higher risk of dental caries. A survey report from the American Centers for Disease Control shows that 9.1 million American adults and 2 million adolescents use tobacco -based absorbing products, which means that there are many fragile teeth behind them. The study was conducted by the instructor of the Tavz University Dental Medical School.

Karina Irusa, a comprehensive nursing assistant professor and the main author of the papers, said the results of the research on the risk of tobacco and the risk of dental caries reminded us that this habit of once -seeing harmless may be very harmful. The study was published on November 23 in the "American Dental Association Magazine".

Karina Irusa, assistant professor of Tavz Dental Medical College, said that as long as the habit of smoking, the increased risk of dental caries still exists. "This is a vicious cycle and will not stop."

Over the past few years, the public has improved the understanding of drug -absorbing drugs for system health, especially after the use of electronic cigarettes caused lung disease. Some dental studies have shown that the use of electronic cigarettes is related to the sign of gum disease. In addition, the damage to the enamel (her housing) of the teeth is also related. But relatively speaking, even dentists rarely emphasize the use of electronic cigarettes and the intersection of oral health.

Irusa said that the recent discovery of the University of Tavz may only imply the damage caused by electronic cigarettes to the oral cavity. She said: "The influence of teeth health, especially the impact on teeth rot, is still relatively unknown. At this point, I want to improve people's understanding among dentists and patients.

This research is the first study of the study of the relationship between the risk of smoking and the increase in the risk of caries and the increased risk of caries. She and her colleagues analyzed data from more than 13,000 patients over 16,000 patients who were treated in Tavz Dental Clinic in 2019-2022.

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Irusa found that although most patients said that they did not use electronic cigarettes, there were significant statistical differences in the risk level of caries between electronic cigarettes and control groups. About 79%of the sucks are classified as high risk of dental caries, while the control group is only about 60%. The adsorbent was not asked about the equipment based on nicotine or tetrahydrocular phenol, although nicotine was more common.

"The important thing is to understand that this is preliminary data," Irusa said. "This is not a 100%conclusion, but people really need to understand what we see." Next, we need to do further research. Irusa hopes to observe more carefully what impact of smoking on saliva.

Dental caries are usually called tooth decay. It means that when the corruption bacteria in the mouth cause acidic substances, when attacking the surface of the teeth or enamel, it will cause damage to the teeth. This may cause a small hole in the teeth called dental caries. If the tooth decay is not treated, it may cause pain, infection, and even the teeth to fall off.

One reason for the use of electronic cigarettes that can cause high risk of tooth decay is the sugar content and viscosity of the electronic cigarette liquid. When the gas solution is used, and then inhale through the oral cavity, it sticks to the teeth. (A study published in the PLOS ONE magazine in 2018 compares the characteristics of sweet electronic cigarettes to fudge and acidic beverages). Smoking gas solution has proven to change the oral microbial group and make it more suitable for the growth of corruption bacteria. It is also observed that smoking seems to cause tooth decay where there are usually no cavities, such as the bottom edge of the front teeth.

Researchers at the University of Tavz suggested that dentists should use the use of electronic cigarettes as part of the patient's medical history for routine inquiries. This includes a pediatric dentist that is a doctor who is seeing a doctor. According to the data of FDA/CDC, 7.6%of junior high school and high school students say they have smoked electronic cigarettes in 2021.

Researchers also suggested that the "stricter dental caries management plan" should be taken for patients using electronic cigarettes, which may include fluoride toothpaste and fluoride mouthwash in the prescription strength, the smear of fluoride during dental surgery, and two a year Examination of more than time.

"Manageing dental caries requires a lot of time and money, depending on how bad it becomes," Irusa said. "Once you start this habit, even if you make up your teeth, as long as you continue to draw, secondary dental dental caries may occur. This is a vicious circle that will not stop."

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