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Studies in European and American universities: E -cigarettes can improve physical conditions, which is conducive to the healthy development of user lifestyles

Studies in European and American universities: E -cigarettes can improve physical conditions, which is conducive to the healthy development of user lifestyles


According to the news on February 2, Polosa, a well -known professor at the University of Katania, recently, said that compared with cigarettes, long -term use of electronic cigarettes has no obvious damage and changes to the lungs. Another study investigated by the University of Washington believes that the health of smokers who use electronic cigarettes is better and has a healthier lifestyle.

The long -term influence of electronic cigarettes on users' health has been widely concerned. Professor Polosa, director of the Institute of Internal Medicine of the University of Cartany, Italy, led his research team to young people who have used electronic cigarettes for a long time to carry out three long lengths The year -old tracking and monitoring, and comparing their results with people who never smoke.

During the testing of the participants, the researchers conducted three follow -ups a year. The results show that compared with the control group that never smokes, its lung volume index, the development of respiratory symptoms, and the changes in lung inflammation signs have not decreased. Signs of inflammation did not observe changes in blood pressure or heart rate. Researchers said, "Although the sample volume is small, the research results still prove that long -term use of electronic cigarettes is unlikely to cause major health problems to users."

The favorable impact of electronic cigarettes on the health of smokers not only comes from physical and mental aspects, but also plays a certain positive role in social activities. The international well-known academic journal ScienceDirect announced a paper from the University of Washington University-IS E-Cigarette Use Associated with Better Health and Functioning AMOKERS Approach MidLife. People who keep smoking or switch to e -cigarettes, and evaluate nine health and functional indicators including physical, psychological, and behaviorals. The results showed that the participants who turned to the use of electronic cigarettes before the age of 39 were better in physical health, their social life was more active, and their socio -economic status (ESE) was higher.

Has better opportunities and behavior habits in social production activities, as well as higher education and income.


Riccardo Polosa, Fabio Cibella, Pasquale Caponnetto,et al. Health Impact Of E-cigarettes: A Prospective 3.5-year Study Of Regular Daily Users Who Have Never Smoked, Scientific Reports,2017

Rick Kosterman,Marina Epstein,Jennifer A.Bailey,et al. Is E-cigarette Use Associated With Better Health And Functioning Among Smokers Approaching Midlife. Drug and Alcohol Dependence,2022

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