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Studies in the United States and Britain and Australia have proved that electronic cigarettes can increase the smoking cessation rate. Experts suggest to include smoking cessation strategies

Studies in the United States and Britain and Australia have proved that electronic cigarettes can increase the smoking cessation rate. Experts suggest to include smoking cessation strategies


New Consumer Reports, on January 5th, recently, Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom and other countries have confirmed that electronic cigarettes can help smokers quit smoking and even permanently quit smoking through data comparison and research. Experts believe that it is imperative to incorporate electronic cigarettes into the strategy of quitting smoking and as an important tool for reducing harm. It is necessary to allow the media and the public to regain their risks and potential benefits.

Electronic cigarettes are currently trendy things. The chairman of the former Nicotine and Tobacco Research Association (SRNT), as well as a number of well -known universities such as Dundi University, the University of California, and the University of Minnesota. The risks of adolescents and the potential of helping smokers quit smoking, and published the "Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes" in the "American Public Health" magazine to discuss this.

The paper lists a number of experiments. In a random control test of British smoking quitting, the smoking quitting rate (18%) of the smokers assigned to the e -cigarette group is almost twice that of the nicotine alternative therapy group (9.9%); During the 6 -month experiment, nicotine electronic cigarette nicotine patch effects are better than using e -cigarettes that are not contained in nicotine alone, so nicotine electronic cigarettes can improve the effectiveness of existing smoking quitting tools; 26 random control tests, the conclusion is: "Compared with the electronic cigarette and nicotine replacement therapy without nicotine, the electronic cigarette containing nicotine increases the smoking cessation rate."

Many experiments have proved that electronic cigarettes are effective means to help smokers quit smoking. The article said that the public's concerns about the use of electronic cigarettes for adolescents are very reasonable, but this problem needs to be taken correctly. At present, there are already a large number of evidence that electronic cigarettes are helping smokers to quit smoking. The smokers received accurate information about the relative risk of electronic cigarettes and smoking, and their significance is much greater than the risk of simply paying attention to the use of electronic cigarettes.

In addition, an Australian Australian Drug Strategic Family Survey (NDSHS) found that Australians using electronic smoke quit smoking are more successful than those who do not use electronic cigarettes. The chance of the success of the user is about twice the people who try to quit smoking. Dr. Mark Chamber, the research author of the University of New South Wales, also repeatedly stated that the importance of incorporating electronic cigarette products into the smoking cessation strategy has been believed that it is expected to help some Australian smokers quit smoking. At the same time, a study published on the "The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse" believes that it is necessary to use electronic cigarettes as a tool for reducing hazards. Researchers found thousands of research data to find smoking switched to Nicotine e -cigarette smoking. Those are easier to quit smoking than other steering smokers.

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