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Summary and interpretation of new tobacco industry policies in China and 31 provinces and cities in 2022

Summary and interpretation of new tobacco industry policies in China and 31 provinces and cities in 2022


Since the 11th Five-Year Plan, The State Council, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments have issued policies to guide and regulate the development of the new tobacco industry, including reducing the smoking rate, prohibiting minors from smoking and strengthening the development direction of new tobacco management. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, the main provinces of China also put forward their own development goals of the new tobacco industry.

Policy History chart

From the perspective of the industry planning process: during the "11th Five-Year Plan" period, the focus of the development of China's tobacco industry is to deepen the reform, promote the reorganization of state-owned assets, form a competitive market pattern, and establish a modern enterprise system; During the 12th Five-Year Plan period (2011-2015), the government proposed to strengthen the tobacco control campaign, and by 2015, the smoking rate of people aged 15 and above will be reduced by 2-3 percentage points compared with 2010. During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the government put forward a sound health literacy and tobacco epidemic surveillance system, so that the prevalence of tobacco use among people over 15 years old should be kept below 25%. ;" During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, new tobacco products were administered with reference to the relevant regulations on cigarettes, which further standardized the development of the new tobacco industry.

Policy summary and interpretation at national level

1. Summary of new tobacco industry policies at the national level

From the point of release planning policy, China's electronic smoke control tougher year by year, closed since the 2019 Internet electronic cigarette sales channels, in 2022 promulgated the measures for the management of the electronic cigarette, electronic cigarette industry development in China has become standard, it provides a stable and healthy development of industry in the future long-term political development environment, are expected to be a boon for industry development.

2. Interpretation of the development goals of the new tobacco industry at the national level

In order to better build a healthy China, the 14th Five-Year National Health Plan in 2022 states that we will continue to carry out tobacco control activities and vigorously promote the construction of a smoke-free environment. According to the Healthy China Initiative (2019-2030), the smoking rate of people over 15 years old should be lower than 24.5 percent and 20 percent by 2022 and 2030, respectively. More than 30 percent and 80 percent of the population are protected by comprehensive smoke-free laws.

Policy summary and interpretation at provincial and municipal level

1. Summary of new tobacco industry policies in 31 provinces and cities

In 2022, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration promulgated the Measures on the Management of E-Cigarettes, which indicates that the development of China's e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products industry is gradually becoming standardized. Accordingly, various provinces and cities across the country have promulgated relevant new tobacco policies according to local conditions.

2. Interpretation of the development goals of the new tobacco industry in 31 provinces and cities

In 2022, the State Tobacco Monopoly Administration issued the "Measures on the Management of E-Cigarettes", which indicates that the development of e-cigarettes and other new tobacco products in China is gradually becoming standardized. Based on this, all provinces and cities in China have formulated corresponding smoking rate targets according to local conditions. The details are as follows:

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