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Teens who exercise more are also more likely to vape, study shows

Teens who exercise more are also more likely to vape, study shows


News on September 14, according to foreign reports, exercise can make your body and mind healthier, but this may not include learning to make the right decisions.

A recent University of Georgia study reported that high school students who exercised four to five days a week were 23 percent more likely to use e-cigarettes than their sedentary peers.

This finding holds true even for students who participate in physical activity only occasionally. Teens who exercised two to three days a week were still 11 percent more likely to vape, the researchers said.

"Our young people tend to be physically fit, and they are at higher risk for vaping products. This may be because e-cigarettes are considered a healthier option than traditional smoking." Janani, lead author of the study and associate professor in the UGA School of Public Health Rajbhandari-Thapa explained in a statement. "Marketing campaigns market e-cigarettes as a healthier alternative to traditional cigarettes, but data show that additives in e-cigarette products are associated with lung injury associated with e-cigarette or e-cigarette product use."

If teens continue to mistakenly believe that it is a better substitute for cigarettes, it can cause underlying health problems, such as teen addiction. E-cigarettes contain many cancer-causing chemicals. For example, water vapor is commonly thought to be a mixture of nicotine and benzene, a chemical found in car exhaust.

Different flavors offered in e-cigarettes have been linked to lung disease, according to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

E-cigarettes are not regulated, so nicotine levels can vary by brand. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that most e-cigarettes have higher nicotine concentrations than traditional cigarettes.

Compared to cigarettes, which have been stigmatized in recent decades, vaping products are relatively new. Little is known about them, they are cheaper to use, don't smell like tobacco, and are easier to use in public, including in smoke-free areas.

"We have to make parents more aware that vaping is not okay," Thapa explained. "If I didn't consider my public health expertise, as a parent, I might be thinking, well, my kid isn't smoking. It's okay if he's vaping. But that's not the case. We have evidence that the harms of vaping are How big."

The current study involved gathering data from a 2018 survey conducted by the Georgia Department of Education. It includes responses from more than 362,000 high school students in 439 schools in the state. 11% of students admitted to having smoked an e-cigarette product - e-cigarette, e-pipe, e-cigarette pen or hookah pen at least once in the past month. About 7% reported using e-vapor products at least one day in the past 30 days. Another 4% said they smoked vaping products and cigarettes. Although overall, 1% of high school students said they only smoked.

Male students were more likely than female students to smoke or vape. Older students also smoked more than younger students.

A surprising finding was that students who were physically active were more likely to use e-cigarettes than those who exercised for a day or less. Although these students were less likely to use cigarettes or mix vaping products with traditional cigarettes.

Thapa said: Physical activity students who meet physical activity guidelines are at higher risk for vaping, which raises concerns about health beliefs and engaging in risky behaviors.

"I hope this finding informs our state lawmakers specifically to address risky behavior," Tapa said. Substance use among youth in our state. Limit e-cigarette use by restricting marketing, disallowing e-cigarette use around schools, and implementing school-level policies to discourage e-cigarette use - we hope our research informs these policies as e-cigarettes affect high schools A threat to life.

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