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The Chinese Academy of Sciences studied that Nichotine's anti -aging

The Chinese Academy of Sciences studied that Nichotine's anti -aging


On February 17, a paper published by the internationally renowned academic journal "Nature Communications" states that nicotine has a systemic anti -aging effect and long -term intake of low -dose nicotine can effectively delay aging.

Studies are led by the Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and mainly analyzes the impact of Nigerin's anti -aging substance NAD+(oxidation form of nicotinamide glandular gonadotide). NAD+has a key role in maintaining cell vitality. The global popular anti -aging product NMN, known as the "non -aged medicine", reverses aging by improving the intracellular NAD+level.

There is a core indicator of NAD+level: NAMPT activity. The higher the activity of the NAMPT, the more stable the level of NAD+is, the more you can "prevent aging." In animal experiments, the nampt activity of mice decreases with age. However, after 6-12 months of intake of trace nicotine, Nampt activity in all tissues such as hippocampus, heart, muscles, and kidneys of mice has been significantly restored, especially the heart.

"We found that Nicotine has an amazing direct role in improving NAD+level," the author wrote in the paper. This means that nicotine has a systemic anti -aging effect, which can significantly reduce the aging symptoms of the brain, heart and other tissues.

It is particularly noteworthy that nicotine's beneficial impact on the brain. Researchers have found in a number of tests that long -term intake of trace nicotine can help elderly mice effectively alleviate anxiety, protect memory, and improve cognitive impairment. Nicotine can also increase the level of NMN in the brain of elderly mice, thereby reducing the risk of brain cancer.

However, in order to play the anti -aging effect of nicotine, the two conditions of "long -term" and "trace" are indispensable. During the experimental mice, at least 6 months of nicotine, calculated based on its average life expectancy (2 years), the length of use has been long enough. Evidence of "trace" is more direct: Data show that long -term intake of 10ng/ml nicotine can significantly increase NAD+level.

Taking specific products as an example, electronic cigarettes with lower nicotine content may help users delay aging. Cigarettes with higher nicotine content are not necessarily effective and may even play a negative effect. Even if the anti -aging problem is not considered, the harm of cigarettes is far greater than the dangers of electronic cigarettes. Multiple research data in the world show that 69 carcinogens such as nitrosamine, formaldehyde, and polygon aromatic hydrocarbon (A) 芘 are mostly existing in the burnt and smoke produced by its combustion. In contrast, electronic cigarettes without burning tobacco can reduce the harm of 95%of cigarettes.

The research released by the Journal of the American Medical Society (Jama) "Jama Network Open" in February 2021 pointed out that electronic cigarettes have a reduction effect. When smokers completely switched to electronic cigarettes, their health status will be improved. On the contrary, when the electronic cigarette users become the smokers, the concentration of multiple carcinogens in the urine has increased significantly, and the maximum increase can increase by 621%.

"Our research confirms that electronic cigarettes can play a positive role in the field of public health," said one of the main authors of the paper, saying that tobacco control expert Neal L Benowitz. He hopes that smokers can better understand the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes: "If you want to improve your physical health and really can't quit cigarettes, he will use electronic cigarettes completely."

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