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Youth Electronic Cigarette: Popular diseases that American political institutions are never satisfied

Youth Electronic Cigarette: Popular diseases that American political institutions are never satisfied


New Consumer Report, October 11th, according to foreign news reports, Cameron, director of biological sciences of the American Science and Health Commission, recently wrote an analysis of the US Youth Electronic Cigarette Report jointly released by the FDA in CDC. The following is the full text.

More good news from the public health field: According to the latest results of the CDC National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS), adolescent electronic cigarettes continue to decline steadily. Only 9.4% of middle school students report currently using electronic cigarette products. The surveyed media reports emphasized that single statistics and the number of adolescents using electronic cigarettes were 2.5 million. Because CDC defines the current electronic cigarette as the use of ≥1 days in the past 30 days, these numbers are a bit misleading.

Only 27.6%(a total of 700,000) among these students reported that they sucked electronic cigarettes every day. According to the number of days they sucks electronic cigarettes, the US Disease Control and Prevention Center divides the rest of the investigative crowd into several groups. It is found that 42.3% of people report that they often use electronic cigarettes on 20-30 days, including 46.0% of high school students and 20.8% middle school students. Primary school students.

As Filter's Alex Norcia reported on October 6, when calculated by the total number of American students, the number of frequent and daily electronic cigarettes was very low:

6.49% of all high school students who were investigated often used, and only 0.69% of middle school students used frequently. For daily use, it is suitable for 4.24% of all high school students and 0.39% of all junior high school students. The numbers of these versions seem to be not as eye -catching as the number emphasized by the Center for Prevention and Control.

Therefore, adolescents sucking electronic cigarettes are declining, and the smoking rate of young people and high school students in middle school students and high school students are less than 2%. A recent survey of Britain reported the same trivial number, just as we have reported many studies before. We can get two inspiring conclusions from these results. First, electronic cigarettes are not the portal of smoking. Secondly, as the previous research shows, the electronic cigarette industry obviously failed to attract children to their seasonings again.

Unfortunately, public health institutions are not satisfied with NYTS's latest results.

"FDA is still very concerned about the use of electronic cigarettes among young people in our country," said Dr. Robert Kalif, director of the FDA institution. "We can't and don't relax on this issue. FDA is still firmly committed to using all our power to directly solve the problem of adolescent electronic cigarettes."

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention is not willing to show weakness, and it is even more dissatisfied with the results of its investigation:

DEIRDRE LAWrence Kittner, director of the CDC Smoking and Health Office, said in a statement: This study shows that young people in our country continue to be attracted and fascinated by electronic cigarette brands with seasoning nicotine. Our work is far from over.

In Zoom, which did not plan for public consumption, two CDC officials even used the survey results to complain about the popularity of adolescents sucking electronic cigarettes.

Spoiler Alert: Ben Tele asked how low the usage rate of youth electronic cigarettes before the CDC announced the end of the epidemic disease. Officials from the agency refused to disclose the specific figures, but she said she should eliminate teenagers to suck electronic cigarettes. Of course, everyone has this emotion, but why must adolescent inhalation of electronic cigarettes must be epidemic or does not exist at all? We have not treated any other public health issues in such a sharp contrast.

However, it will become better. The CDC warned that there were some differences in the method in 2022 NYTS and the previous waves of surveys; the agency pointed out that the new results may be misleading with the results of previous years.

Due to the changes in the method, including the differences in survey management and data collection procedures, the ability to compare the estimation value in 2022 with the previous NYTS wave estimation value is limited ...

Well, this is what happened. Considering all the results of NYTS, it is clearly showing that adolescents sucking electronic cigarettes show a downward trend; independent experts said that although there are differences between the existence between surveys, this is a reasonable conclusion. Nevertheless, CDC officials ignored this downward trend. According to the results of 2022, it was announced that adolescent electronic cigarettes have become an epidemic.

How lucky we are such scientific and scientific civil servants to pay attention to our health.

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