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Is it better to choose a large smoke or a small smoke for electronic cigarettes?

Is it better to choose a large smoke or a small smoke for electronic cigarettes?


Is it better to choose a large smoke or a small smoke for electronic cigarettes? If you've recently turned to e-cigarettes, these two terms may confuse you. There are many adults who have entered the world of vaping, and there is still a lot to learn about vaping. Although big smoke and small smoke are similar, they are not the same thing. Not only do the two devices look different, but they also serve slightly different purposes. Let's take a look at the differences between big smoke and small smoke, and the pros and cons of each so you can decide which one is best for your needs.

What is Big Smoke?

The Big Smoke, also known as the Cassette Big Smoke, is a modifiable box-style device that allows vapers to customize their vaping experience.

Big puffs are great options for users who prefer to smoke a variety of specific types of e-cigarettes, such as mouth-to-lung (MTL) or direct-to-lung (DTL) e-cigarettes. Most vape vapes are designed for sub-ohm e-cigarettes


More Cloud Generation: Big Smoke is compatible with vegetable glycerin e-liquid, which produces an incredibly high-density vapor that allows for exceptional e-cigarette clouds. If you're looking for a complete cloud to give you a great visual experience, this is the right option.

More customizable Big Smoke allows you to add panels with various colors and patterns that will help you make it your own. These devices also allow you to adjust their voltage and wattage. With Big Smoke, you can even build your coils and change tanks. Some big vapes even have multiple coils so you can vape different types of vaping on the same device. These tweaks will allow you to customize your big smoke to fit your vape style perfectly

Better battery life - plug-ins charge much less frequently than pod plug-ins.


Less Portable - Big Smokes are much larger than pod systems, making them less convenient for discrete mobile use.

There's no automatic firing - whenever you want to take a puff from a big puff of smoke, you'll have to hit the fire button. This extra step isn't necessarily a huge inconvenience; however, if you're looking for the smoothest, most streamlined experience, you'll probably want Small Smoke Big Smoke.

Harder to use - Big Smoke requires a bit of a learning curve for maximum experience.

Use more e-liquid - Big Smoke uses a lot of e-liquid in the vaping process, which can prove to be quite expensive over time.

No nicotine salts allowed - sub-ohm nicotine salts are highly discouraged as it will damage the tank. If you want to use this type of e-liquid then you should use pods.

More Expensive - Cassette Big Smoke isn't outrageously expensive. Still, they are more expensive than small smokes and big smokes, especially since one of the advantages of big smokes is that they allow for customization, which can get expensive very quickly. In other words, if you spend a fortune on a mod, you'll probably want to pay to make it fit your unique style as well.

What is a small smoke?

Runfree's pod systems, also known as vape pens, pod pods, and closed-pod systems, offer a smaller, smoother experience. Many people tend to use pod systems first because of their simplicity and ease of use.

Small cigarette plug-ins have become more and more popular in recent years. When they were first released, they didn't taste as good and didn't work very well. However, their design and technology have evolved, and now they have become a serious competitor to the Big Smoke of the Box.


VERY PORTABLE - SMOKES Big vapes are perfect for those who want to vape on the go as they are smaller and lighter than big vapes. This option will easily fit into your pocket or purse and go wherever you want.

More discrete - small size and simple use allow e-cigarettes to be incredibly discrete in this way. People around you may not notice that you are vaping. If you don't want people to notice you're vaping, you should opt for a pod system.

Cheaper - If you want to stick to your budget and be more cost-effective, Small Smoke Big Smoke might be the option for you.

Ease of use - The pod system is great for those who are new to vaping and want to get started quickly without complicated setup procedures.


Shorter battery life - The battery of the pod system needs to be charged frequently compared to the cassette model.

Less Customization - Most Small Smokes Big Smokes are very simple, what you see is what you get. There are very few opportunities to design the vaping experience according to your specific style.

Vape pods are perfect for those who want a low-key vaping experience that they can engage in anywhere.

Disposable pods or refillable pods?

There's another aspect of e-cigarette cartridges that you should know about - disposable pre-filled cartridges and refillable cartridges.

Refillable pods are a bit cumbersome and require more effort to get the e-liquid into the pod.

In most cases, rechargeable batteries are cheaper; however, depending on your vaping habits and how quickly you vape, using a single-use pod may not be that expensive for you.

In general, both options are cheaper than using the big smoke, because with the big smoke you will have to refill the tank and replace the coil a few times a month, which can add up quickly.

in conclusion

When it comes to choosing between big and small vaping, it all comes down to your personal preference and vaping goals.

If you want a customizable experience, Big Smoke is the way to go. Conversely, if you want to vape on the go and enjoy a quick, easy experience, then Runfree's pod or vape pen will be better for you.

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