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Midea 4 colleges and universities have confirmed that compared with traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes are harmful or potentially harmful chemicals reduced

Midea 4 colleges and universities have confirmed that compared with traditional cigarettes, electronic cigarettes are harmful or potentially harmful chemicals reduced


New Consumer Report of Blue Cave, news on December 1st, recently, the University of Italy, the University of South Florida, the University of California, Los Angeles, and University of Nebraska have released two articles in SCI journals. Articles about electronic cigarette research. The two articles agree that compared with traditional cigarettes, the harmful substances and carcinogenic risks of electronic cigarettes are lower.

In the past ten years, the number of people using electronic cigarettes in the United States has increased. In order to further study the impact of electronic cigarettes on health, the University of Katania, the University of South Florida, and the University of California Los Angeles Los Angeles jointly released a famous article on the world -renowned academic journal ScienceDirect. The paper "A CLOSE Look at Vaping in Adolescents and Young Adults in the USA".

The article pointed out that the discharge of electronic flue gas solution is generated at lower temperatures. Compared with the smoke of traditional tobacco, it is reduced by a large number of harmful or potential harmful chemicals, which effectively reduces the reaction of bronchial epithelial cytotoxicity and inflammation. This result is also confirmed by the authoritative QRA (quantitative risk assessment) method.

At the same time, the article said that although the people are concerned about the part of the electronic cigarettes, the public still has a lot of prejudice to use electronic cigarettes and some users to use electronic cigarettes to cause asthma. Now the people's risk cognition of electronic cigarettes is often greatly exaggerated. In fact, these problems can be solved through technical innovation, quality and safety -related electronic cigarette products, such as improving chip design, introducing automatic cooling functions to avoid harmful substances to avoid harmful substances Packing, or strengthening the supervision of listed electronic cigarette products to avoid some unpredictable potential health issues, thereby reducing the public's concerns.

Another article by the University of Nebraska and the University of California, the article "Exposure to Toxicants Associated with TRANSITWEC TOTWEC TOTWEC TOTWEAC TORETTES, E-CigAtes, ", Research on the" dual user of electronic cigarette users, electronic cigarette cigarettes, and three groups of cigarette users, "the problem of harm of cigarette users", and also concluded that the use of electronic cigarettes alone on the body's potential harm is lower.

The experiments divided 3211 participants from the United States into three reprimand groups, including 2356 people using cigarette groups alone, 210 people using electronic cigarette groups and 645 groups that used cigarettes and electronic cigarettes at the same time. Through the detection of urine samples of the subject, it was found that when the subject transition from using cigarettes alone to the use of electronic cigarettes, the concentration of TSNA, PAHS and VOCS (all toxic ingredients) in urine decreased significantly; By the use of electronic cigarettes alone, similar BOES (nicotine and other toxic substances exposed biomarkers) are also greatly reduced, and otherwise significantly increased.

As a result, researchers have judged that from "using cigarettes alone or using cigarettes and electronic cigarettes at the same time" to "use electronic cigarettes alone" to the body is lower, it is recommended that people use only electronic cigarettes as much as possible to ensure that they are in the public in the public Hygiene and reduction of health risks.

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