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The real reason why vaping makes you thirsty

The real reason why vaping makes you thirsty


Now I will tell you the real reason why e-cigarettes are easy to be thirsty. I believe this is a situation that many friends have encountered, and it is also a state that they really feel. This is also a very normal situation, mainly from e-cigarette oil. Let's start with the ingredients.

The real reason why vaping makes you thirsty

This is mainly because the glycerin in vegetable glycerin has strong water absorption. During the use of electronic cigarettes, vegetable glycerin is atomized and enters the mouth, absorbing the saliva in the mouth, resulting in the feeling of dry mouth when smoking electronic cigarettes .

Then, there are two processes at night, one is inhalation, and the other is exhalation. With exhalation, the aerosol particles return along the original path of the respiratory tract after the nicotine is removed. On the return trip, propylene glycol and glycerin will be filled with water, which will increase the volume of the particles several times, which is the reason for the white smoke after the smoker exhales, and why the e-cigarette is easy to be thirsty after a long time.

If you feel dry mouth, drinking more water can also relieve it, and then control the number of times you smoke e-cigarettes, which will make it easier to feel thirsty, so pay attention to controlling the number of times you smoke.

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