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Prospects of the e-cigarette industry in 2022

Prospects of the e-cigarette industry in 2022


Founder Securities Research Report emphasized that since the launch of electronic cigarettes in 2004, the global market capacity has continued to develop. In 2018, the total sales of electronic cigarettes was about 24.7 billion US dollars, and the total number of applications increased rapidly from about 7 million in 2011 to 40 million in 2018. It is expected to increase to 64 million in 2022.

This data information is less than one-tenth of the total number of smokers in the world. According to WHO statistical analysis, in 2018, the total number of tobacco companies in the world was 1.337 billion.

For a long time, China has been the world's largest tobacco company powerhouse. At this stage, the total number of smokers in China has reached 350 million, and the annual tobacco consumption is about 50 million boxes, accounting for 44% of the world's total production. However, the penetration rate of electronic cigarettes in China is only 0.6%, while the penetration rate of electronic cigarettes in the United States is 13%.

The rapidly expanding market capacity of electronic cigarettes in the world, the total number of applications that continue to rise, and the low penetration rate in China. From the perspective of Chen Ling, CEO of Xiwu Electronic Cigarettes, it is all certified that electronic cigarettes have sufficient development prospects and can achieve long-term development. important documents.

To see whether the future development of an industry is good or bad, it is very likely to look at it from two perspectives. One is to see if the client really has a requirement. Do smokers have requirements for e-cigarette products? From the perspective of past development trends, it is usually confirmed long ago, which is why the industry has been able to rise rapidly in the past two years.

Another direction is to look at the management and control of industries in various countries around the world. At this stage, it seems that the European region is open to the outside world, and France has all the current policies and social public opinion to control the most friendly to electronic cigarettes, and now the development trend is relatively perfect. For the United States, despite the ban on sales, it did not completely strangle the industry. It only banned the sale of fruit flavors and mint flavors to prevent minors from using products. For closed system software, open system software E-cigarettes may actually be possible.

In short, there is sufficient market size for electronic cigarettes, and customers have real requirements. At the same time, government departments clearly put forward control over an industry, which in fact has a standard effect on the industry, which is to agree with the development trend of the industry. From these two perspectives, there is no doubt that the e-cigarette industry will have a long-term development trend.

What is the prospect of the e-cigarette market in 2022? In the harsh winter of electronic cigarettes, some people quit the game, and some people abide by it. From the perspective of adherents, control only makes the development trend of the industry more physically and mentally healthy. China's 350 million smokers still have great opportunities hidden in the low penetration rate of e-cigarettes.

The market prospect of an industry depends not only on the changes in the situation in the world, but also on what various industries will do. If people in the electronic cigarette industry will carry out innovative development and find a way out in the severe winter, perhaps the market prospect of the electronic cigarette industry will become more and more brilliant!

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